Renderer_OBJECT_tag Struct Reference

Detailed Description

In Renderer this "Object" structure defines a MESH model.

This structure defines an object (model) in the scene. It corresponds to an Actor's Costume in the Animator

Definition at line 519 of file RENDER.H.

Data Fields

BOOL in_use
 Used to indicate object already loaded.
vector Centre
 Coordinate of centre (hold point of object - relative to local coords).
axis Abase
 The object's base axis.
 Pointers to the vertices of the Object and a backup used to restore for next frame.
 Objects list of faces with back up.
 Ray-Tracing vertices for tracing ray through the scene.
 ray-Tracing list of faces for traversing the octree
long * Skids
 Points vertices in object at their skeleton connection.
 The object's skeleton.
 Materials used in object.
 Image maps (textures) used in the object.
 Nurbs in model.
long NoFaces
long NoVertices
long NoNurbs
long NoMaps
long NoMats
long NoSkeleton
 Numbers of elements in key structures.
long NoTraceVertices
long NoTraceFaces
long NoFbackup
long NoVbackup
long NoTbackup
 Number of vetices etc in the backup of this object.
long xmin
long xmax
long ymin
long ymax
 Bounds for this object when projected onto output framebuffer.
double trpos [4][4]
double trinv [4][4]
 Transformation applied to this object and its inverse.
vector Offset
 position in the animation of the center of the object
double fi
double theta
double alpha
double ima
double sx
double sy
double sz
double morphratio
double effectratio
 Used for interpolation between keyframes.
double ambient_light
 Object specific ambient light value.
short visibility
 Is the object visible.
short im
short effect
 Effect applied to the Object.
BOOL wireframe
 Render in wireframe (not used now).
BOOL self_shadow
BOOL cast_shadow
BOOL show_shadow
 Shadow flags for object.
long AnimatorID
 ID used by Animator for this object.
char * effect_param_list
 Parameters for any deformation effect to be applied.
char FileNameKey [256]
 what file was the model loaded from (this is used as an identifer Key for instancing

Field Documentation

BOOL in_use

Used to indicate object already loaded.

Definition at line 520 of file RENDER.H.

Coordinate of centre (hold point of object - relative to local coords).

Definition at line 521 of file RENDER.H.

The object's base axis.

Definition at line 522 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 524 of file RENDER.H.

Pointers to the vertices of the Object and a backup used to restore for next frame.

Definition at line 524 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 525 of file RENDER.H.

Objects list of faces with back up.

Definition at line 525 of file RENDER.H.

Ray-Tracing vertices for tracing ray through the scene.

Definition at line 526 of file RENDER.H.

ray-Tracing list of faces for traversing the octree

Definition at line 527 of file RENDER.H.

long* Skids

Points vertices in object at their skeleton connection.

Definition at line 528 of file RENDER.H.

The object's skeleton.

Definition at line 529 of file RENDER.H.

Materials used in object.

Definition at line 530 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 531 of file RENDER.H.

Image maps (textures) used in the object.

Definition at line 531 of file RENDER.H.

Nurbs in model.

Definition at line 532 of file RENDER.H.

long NoFaces

Definition at line 533 of file RENDER.H.

long NoVertices

Definition at line 533 of file RENDER.H.

long NoNurbs

Definition at line 533 of file RENDER.H.

long NoMaps

Definition at line 533 of file RENDER.H.

long NoMats

Definition at line 533 of file RENDER.H.

long NoSkeleton

Numbers of elements in key structures.

Definition at line 533 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 537 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 537 of file RENDER.H.

long NoFbackup

Definition at line 538 of file RENDER.H.

long NoVbackup

Definition at line 538 of file RENDER.H.

long NoTbackup

Number of vetices etc in the backup of this object.

Definition at line 538 of file RENDER.H.

long xmin

Definition at line 539 of file RENDER.H.

long xmax

Definition at line 539 of file RENDER.H.

long ymin

Definition at line 539 of file RENDER.H.

long ymax

Bounds for this object when projected onto output framebuffer.

Definition at line 539 of file RENDER.H.

double trpos[4][4]

Definition at line 540 of file RENDER.H.

double trinv[4][4]

Transformation applied to this object and its inverse.

Definition at line 540 of file RENDER.H.

position in the animation of the center of the object

Definition at line 541 of file RENDER.H.

double fi

Definition at line 542 of file RENDER.H.

double theta

Definition at line 542 of file RENDER.H.

double alpha

Definition at line 542 of file RENDER.H.

double ima


Definition at line 542 of file RENDER.H.

double sx

Definition at line 543 of file RENDER.H.

double sy

Definition at line 543 of file RENDER.H.

double sz


Definition at line 543 of file RENDER.H.

double morphratio

Definition at line 544 of file RENDER.H.

double effectratio

Used for interpolation between keyframes.

Definition at line 544 of file RENDER.H.

double ambient_light

Object specific ambient light value.

Definition at line 544 of file RENDER.H.

short visibility

Is the object visible.

Definition at line 546 of file RENDER.H.

short im

Definition at line 546 of file RENDER.H.

short effect

Effect applied to the Object.

Definition at line 546 of file RENDER.H.

BOOL wireframe

Render in wireframe (not used now).

Definition at line 549 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 550 of file RENDER.H.

Definition at line 550 of file RENDER.H.

Shadow flags for object.

Definition at line 550 of file RENDER.H.

long AnimatorID

ID used by Animator for this object.

Definition at line 551 of file RENDER.H.

Parameters for any deformation effect to be applied.

Definition at line 552 of file RENDER.H.

char FileNameKey[256]

what file was the model loaded from (this is used as an identifer Key for instancing

Definition at line 553 of file RENDER.H.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Apr 27 14:20:19 2014 for OpenFX by  doxygen 1.5.6